It was fun while it lasted, and now it’s time to move on to bigger and better things: a new life where I’ll melt into the sidewalk, according to certain people,” the Las Vegas-bound limo driver concluded before singing a literal goodbye song to his TV, mirrored armoire, a ceiling fan he hated, and a tablecloth he hated even more. Explore Joseph Mooski's board 'Howard Stern ', followed by 133 people on Pinterest. Howard Stern 100 News: Ronnie The Limo Driver takes JD Harmeyer Suit Shopping for his Date with Beth Stern (Audio).

“Your hands were in the sink and you couldn’t do nothing.” Much of the Howard Stern Show magic comes from the interaction between the Stern staff and a revolving cast of characters called the Whack Pack. .HowardStern 100 News: Ronnie RMLimoDriver69 takes JDHarm eyer Suit Shopping for his Date with BethStern (Audio). Top Industrial Construction Companies Top 10 Things To Do In Philadelphia Top Construction Companies In Arizona. He also waxed nostalgic about receiving oral sex in a living room recliner and instigating sex with his fiancée while she washed the dishes in their banana-yellow kitchen. Offer helpful instructions and related details about Howard Trucking Ohio - make it easier for users to find business information than ever. The erotic festivities weren’t limited to the bathroom, either. That’s as far as I’m going with this part of the story, that’s it.” When Ronnie Mund failed to investigate yet another box of mystery donuts in the Stern Show office, he left some wondering whether he was neglecting his dutie. Well, not in the sink I came up behind several times,” Ronnie continued. “This is where I piss, but I don’t shit here,” he explained in the clip. The staffer even took the Stern Show’s cameras on a farewell tour of his old abode and pointed out several points of interest along the way, including a bathroom rarely used for defecation but frequently used for sex with his fiancée Stephanie. A former Staff Sargeant in the Air Force, Mr.

“That was weird leaving that house, it was,” he told his boss on Tuesday’s show. Ronnie Mund, also known as 'Ronnie the Limousine Driver', is a cast regular on 'The Howard Stern Show'. Howard’s longtime limo driver famously relocated to Sin City over the break, but not before he waved goodbye to his headline-grabbing home in New York. It may be scorching hot in the Las Vegas desert, but as Ronnie Mund proved on Tuesday’s Stern Show things can get pretty steamy on the East Coast, too.